First Grade Ela Grammar Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Get into Grammar: Fill in the Verb

    Here's a fill-in-the-blank worksheet to help your first grader get acquainted with verbs, words that describe the action in the sentence.

  • Fix the Sentences: Dog Days

    Kids rewrite incorrect sentences to gain practice with sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation on this first grade reading and writing worksheet.

  • Writing Sentences: School

    What is your favorite subject in school? Practice writing sentences by answering this question and more about school in this creative writing worksheet.

  • Words That Begin with "E"

    Using sight words, help your beginning reader master words that start with the letter "E". She will strengthen her vocabulary by matching pictures to words.

  • Fix the Sentences: Kitty Cat

    Kids rewrite incorrect sentences to gain practice with sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation on this first grade reading and writing worksheet.

  • Sentence Writing: Animals

    What is your favorite animal? Answer this question and many more in this creative writing worksheet in which first graders can practice writing sentences.

  • Playful Pig Sentence Building

    Oink oink! What is this playful pig saying? Build sentences with words inspired by this picture of a pig rolling in mud.

  • What is an Adjective?

    What is an adjective? Discover the power of describing words with this fun introductory worksheet.

  • Fill-in a Funny Story #5

    This funny, fill-in-the-blank story lets your first grader get a handle on words, while keeping her entertained.

  • Preposition Sentence Examples

    Multiple choice questions cut to the chase with 10 fill-in-the blank preposition sentence examples.

  • Beginning Grammar: Nouns and Verbs

    Help your new writer learn the difference between nouns and verbs with this complete-the-sentence worksheet.

  • Subject Verb Agreement Quiz

    Every subject needs to agree with its verb! Help your child review basic sentence grammar with this quick quiz.

  • Beginning Grammar: Parts of a Sentence

    Introduce your new writer to simple grammar concepts like the parts of a sentence with this helpful worksheet.

  • Special Plural Nouns

    Help your first grader learn special plurals like men and geese by having her practice writing their plural forms.

  • Sentence Writing: Feelings

    How do you feel when you're with your friends and family? Answer this question and more about feelings by filling in the blanks to complete the sentences.

  • Writing Sentences: Food

    What do you like to eat on your birthday? Answer this question and more in this creative writing worksheet that allows you to practice sentence writing.

  • Get into Grammar: Singular or Plural Nouns?

    Often, a noun becomes plural when it has an "s" at the end, but that's not always the case! This worksheet gives your first grader practice.

  • Parts of Speech Quiz

    Review basic parts of speech with your young learner. This quiz-style format is great preparation for standardized testing.

  • Bow Wow: Let's Make a Sentence!

    Help your first grader build his reading and writing skills with this beginner's writing worksheet. Rearrange the jumbled words to make a complete sentence.

  • Practice Test: Writing Mechanics

    Challenge your first grader's command of grammar rules with this printable quiz that asks him to select the sentence that's written incorrectly.

  • Sentence Writing: Winter

    What foods do you like to eat in the winter? Answer this question and more with this writing exercise that allows you to practice sentence writing.

  • Beginning Grammar: Building Sentences

    First graders build their grammar and sentence skills by practicing completing sentences with a "naming part" (subject) or "action part" (predicate).

  • Complete Sentences

    Mix and match nouns, verbs, pronouns and more to make a deliciously different stew of complete sentences.

  • Sentence Writing: Music

    What do you like to do when you listen to music? Practice writing sentences by answering this question and more about music in this creative writing worksheet.