First Grade Ela Grammar Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • A Day at the Zoo

    After reading a story about the zoo, students will follow directions to circle conjunctions, possessive pronouns, and articles with a color.

  • Pronoun Exercise

    This cute worksheet is the perfect way to teach your child all about pronouns. They'll put their grammar knowledge to work as they complete a few simple activities.

  • What Does It Look Like?

    What does it look like? Explore describing words with this practice page, all about adjectives!

  • Get into Grammar: The Verb "To Be"

    Help your first grader get the hang of the verb "to be"--one of the most irregular and uncertain verbs in the English language.

  • Writing Sentences: Halloween

    Get into the Halloween spirit with this creative writing activity! Answer questions about how you celebrate by filling in the blanks to complete the sentences.

  • Words Ending in "-ed"

    Kids read words with the suffix -ed, and practice their handwriting by writing them in the blanks to make sentences.

  • Simple Verbs: Do Your Best!

    Practice using the correct form of the verb to do by finishing each sentence with does or do.

  • Fill In a Funny Story #1

    Ease your first grader into the art of story-writing with a silly short story fill-in.

  • Grammar Story: Pete and Pat

    Read a story about best friends Pete and Pat, circling the correct verbs and nouns as you go.

  • Sentence Writing: Sports

    What is your favorite sport? Answer this question and more about sports by filling in the blanks to complete the sentences.

  • Basic Grammar: Adjective Details

    Want to boost your first grader's writing skills? This basic grammar worksheet gives him practice writing adjectives.

  • Complete and Incomplete Sentences

    Use this handy guide to learn the difference between complete and incomplete sentences.

  • What Are Adverbs?

    What are adverbs? Find out with this parts of speech worksheet for kids!

  • Adverbs for Kids

    Learning parts of speech? Use this basic worksheet that explains adverbs for kids!

  • Writing Sentences: Summer

    What do you love to wear during the summer? Answer this question and more about summer by filling in the blanks to complete the sentences.

  • What is a Verb?

    Introduce your little reader to basic grammar with a lesson on verbs, or action words.

  • Plural Y

    Help your first grader learn one of the trickier rules of plural nouns by practicing writing the plural form of -y nouns such as candy and kitty.

  • Everyday Adjectives

    Practice parts of speech with some everyday adjectives. Students will fill in the blanks with descriptive words to tell about the day so far.

  • Noun Town #2

    Get to know your nouns in noun town! Beginning readers can practice identifying parts of speech by finding the nouns in each sentence.

  • Writing Sentences: Places

    Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? Answer this question and more about places by filling in the blanks in the sentences.

  • Get into Grammar: Plural Nouns

    This plural noun grammar worksheet is colorful and entertaining, so your first grader won't mind exercising his plural noun know-how!

  • What is a Sentence?

    Sort out the ingredients that make a good, solid sentence in this spaghetti-themed worksheet, which lists all the things that give a sentence spice.

  • Fill-in a Funny Story #2

    "A Silly Outfit" gives your first grader a chance to write an entertaining story of their own, by simply filling in the worksheet with certain types of words.

  • Get into Grammar: Complete or Incomplete?

    It's easy to goof up on grammar: Get your first grader familiar with sentences by having her practice labeling groups of words as complete or incomplete.