Third Grade Math Multiplication Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Multiplication Boot Camp

    Put your multiplication skills to the test with this practice drill focusing on the 10, 11, and 12 times tables.

  • Multiplication Fact Worksheet

    Review times tables and multiplication with regrouping with this multiplication fact worksheet

  • Multiplication Times Tables

    Multiplication with awesome ninjas and spies? This worksheet of multiplication times tables is a fun way to keep track of all of multiplication answers.

  • Multiplication Word Problems Check-In

    This exercise will assess students’ abilities to solve one-step multiplication word problems.

  • Multiplication Mischief: East Coast USA

    Enlist your fourth grader's investigative math skills to find the suspect responsible for some multiplication mischief!

  • Step by Step: Two-Digit Multiplication

    With clear, step-by-step instructions, this worksheet is great for kids who haven't quite mastered their 10, 11 and 12 times tables.

  • Math-Go-Round: Intermediate

    On this multiplication board game, kids solve intermediate multiplication problems and move around the board, trying to pass as many corners as they can.

  • Times Table Grid

    Need a good tool to practice those times tables? Here is a times table grid showing all the possible combinations from 1 thru twelve.

  • Transportation Fact Families

    Third graders are learning all about about multiplication and division fact families, and this transporation-themed worksheet gives them lots of practice.

  • Factors of 60

    Use your multiplication skills to find factors of 60 and better understand time.

  • Snack Time Multiplication

    Indulge in some delicious multiplication with this word problem worksheet that helps kids practice times tables and double-digit multiplication skills.

  • Blank Times Table Grid

    For students studying times tables, this blank times table sheet may be the best possible tool to help you memorize!

  • Math Tiles Mash-up

    Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to move from tile to tile and get to the end of this puzzle.

  • Function Tables: Input Output

    Find the rule that links the input and output numbers in this chart! It could be addition, subtraction or multiplication; it's up to you to find the connection.

  • Multiplication: Word Problems (Part Two)

    Solve word problems using one of the following strategies: draw an array, draw equal groups, skip count forward, repeated addition, or multiplication sentences.

  • Multiplication Practice Sheet

    Master the multiplication tables with a fun practice sheet! Students will review times tables as they reveal a secret message at the bottom of the page.

  • Chinese New Year Multiplication Puzzles

    Families come together for Chinese New Year. Spend some time with your child and help him practice his multiplication with this festive worksheet.

  • Multiplication Fun

    Have some multiplication fun! The numbers in the equations are missing because they're off at a numbers party. Fill in the missing numbers.

  • Multiplication Facts Check-In

    This multiplication exercise will assess your students’ proficiency with fact fluency of factors up to 10.

  • Multiplication Color by Number: Parrot 1

    Memorizing multiplication tables is fun with this 3rd grade math worksheet that doubles as a color by number coloring page!

  • Multiplication Strategies: Multiplying by Multiples of 10

    Dive into multiplication with this worksheet that introduces the multiplication strategy of multiplying one-digit numbers by multiples of ten.

  • Multiplication Tips

    Help your budding mathematician use these multiplication tips and tricks to fill in a basic multiplication chart. He can use the chart as a reference sheet too.

  • Build a Robot: Multiplication #1

    Now you can channel your kid's enthusiasm for robots into multiplication practice that's sure to educate as it entertains.

  • Practice Times Tables

    Don't let those times tables get away from your student during the holidays! Refresh his memory with a quick practice sheet.