Second Grade Ela Writing Process Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Story Comprehension: What Happens Next?

    Kids read a story about a puppy, then finish it by writing what they think will happen next.

  • Bigfoot: Punctuate the Story

    Put proper punctuation into practice with this Bigfoot read-along worksheet.

  • What Happened Next?

    Play author with this creative writing and comprehension exercise! Your child will learn all about inference, or drawing conclusions based on what she's read.

  • Winter Writing Activity

    Here's a great activity to get your second grader's mind going and creativity in action! He'll write a story to go with the picture and even get to color too.

  • Spring into Spelling: Days of the Week

    Here's a vibrant worksheet to help your child out with the monumental task of learning the days of the week.

  • Spelling Months: Winter

    This cute and colorful worksheet helps your second grader learn the names of the months in Autumn and Winter.

  • Creative Writing for Kids: Monster

    Take a look at the colorful monster and practice writing by describing him!

  • Punctuate the Story: Earth Day

    Put proper punctuation into practice with these read-along stories.

  • Write About Your Pet

    Learning to add details is an important skill for early writers. Your second grader will be guided to think of details to write about a pet in this worksheet.

  • Pirate Writing

    Is that a pirate on a dinosaur's back? Yes. Why? Let your child decide (and slip in great composition skills practice)!

  • Photo Captions

    Follow Chuck on vacation by looking at the pictures he took! What is he doing in each picture? Use your imagination and creativity to write captions for each.

  • Ice Skating Story Starter

    What story can your second grader come up with for this winter scene? He also gets some coloring time to go along with the story he writes.

  • Brainzy Presents: Floyd and Roly's Amazing Adventures

    Floyd and Roly are best friends and neighbors! Help your child stretch his writing skills with this fill-in-the-speech-bubbles worksheet.

  • Drawing Conclusions

    Time to play detective! Can you describe what happened int his scene, just by looking at the picture? Practice making inferences by looking at context.

  • Supporting Details: Who is Your Best Friend?

    In writing, supporting the main idea with details is a skill your child should learn early on. Your second grader will fill in the details about a best friend!

  • Personal Narrative: Surprise!

    Make personal narrative and dialogue prep a breeze with this organizer! Students will practice sequencing and prewriting as they put together their personal narrative about a time they were surprised by something or someone.

  • Simple Sentence Structure

    With this worksheet, your student can rearrange these nouns and verbs into complete sentences, building creative writing skills.

  • Write, Check, Rewrite

    Use this template as a starting place for your students to hone their writing and editing skills. First, they'll have to convince someone to take a trip to a place of their choosing, then they'll edit their piece before rewriting.

  • Mermaid and Pirate Writing Prompt

    It's entertaining (and educational) to make-up stories. Try a funny pirate writing prompt like this one!

  • Narrative Hooks

    A strong hook will capture a reader's attention and make them want to know more! In this activity, students will identify four different ways to hook a reader into a story.

  • Where Should I Go: A Travel Guide

    Up, up, and away! Kids love to explore new places! Use this awesome travel writing template as a launching point for your students to hone their writing and editing skills.

  • Creative Writing for Kids: Writing Questions

    What is the boy in his swim trunks asking the boy in his rain coat? Use your imagination and write down questions the two boys may be asking each other!

  • Checklist for Letter Writing

    Who doesn't love a good checklist? This handy worksheet can help budding letter writers make sure they include all the parts of a friendly letter.

  • Grab That Reader

    The best type of introduction makes you want to learn more! Help your second graders hook their readers as they practice writing new and improved introductions using this grabby worksheet.