Kindergarten Ela Letter Knowledge Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Dot-to-Dot Alphabet: T

    Count and learn ABC's at the same time! Connect the dots and you'll end up with two letter T's.

  • Dot-to-Dot Alphabet: H

    Have a ball with the letter H in this connect-the-dot way to reinforce alphabet learning.

  • Dot-to-Dot Alphabet: L

    Leap right into a fun alphabet activity. All your child has to do is connect the dots to create block letter L's with character.

  • Find the Letters: "Q"

    "Q" is quite a quirky letter! Help your child hone her letter recognition skills with this fun coloring page, full of letter Q's for her to find.

  • Alphabet Flashcards: Y

    Yo-yo begins with the letter Y! Color in the flashcards featuring the letter Y then cut them out and use them to play spelling and memory games.

  • Finish the Farm Alphabet

    Use this fun farm-themed worksheet to review the uppercase letters of the alphabet with your students.

  • Alphabet Flashcards: F

    Fish begins with the letter F! Color in the flashcards featuring the letter F then cut them out and use them to play memory and spelling games.

  • Find the Letters: "J"

    Help your little learner practice her ABC's the fun way, with a coloring page full of J's! She'll find all the J's in this picture, and then color them in.

  • Alphabet Flashcards: T

    Train begins with the letter T! Color in the flashcards featuring the letter T then cut them out and use them to play memory and spelling games.

  • Letter Maze: I

    Kids top the ice cream by completing an I maze on this kindergarten reading worksheet. They draw a path from the ice cream to the cherry by following the I's.

  • Find the Hidden Letter: B

    Can your child find the hidden letter? Your child will practice recognizing and sounding out the letter B in this kindergarten alphabet worksheet.

  • Dot-to-Dot Alphabet: J

    If you have a kid who's just starting learning the alphabet, introducing him to the letter J the fun way. Connect the dots to bring this letter J to life!

  • Write a Story!

    Use this fun open-ended writing prompt to support your kindergarteners as they practice their budding writing skills.

  • The Letter Z

    Sneak in some letter learning with this simple worksheet. Kids learn how to write the letter Z through fun drawing, tracing, and writing activities.

  • Alphabet Dot-to-Dot: A

    In this alphabet dot-to-dot, with the help of a few clues, kids follow the letter A to reveal the mystery A picture.

  • Letter Maze: S

    Kids draw a path from the soap to the hands by following the S's in the letter maze on this kindergarten reading worksheet.

  • Color the Q's

    Give your child practice with uppercase and lowercase letters with this printable worksheet that's all about the letter Q.

  • Alphabet Flashcards: X

    Xylophone begins with the letter X! Color in the flashcards featuring the letter X then cut them out and use them to play memory and spelling games.

  • Letter Dot to Dot: D

    On this kindergarten reading and coloring worksheet, kids consider the clues and follow the letter D in a dot to dot to see the mystery D picture: a dinosaur!

  • Dot-to-Dot Alphabet: U

    Take a crayon from dot to dot to take your child from A to Z through the alphabet with this fun way to reinforce letters.

  • Learning the Letter Y

    Help your child with uppercase and lowercase letters with this printable worksheet on the letter Y.

  • Halloween Letters

    The spiders and ghosts have eaten up a lot of letters. Is your child brave enough to go inside this haunted house and fill in the missing ones?

  • Find the Letters: "B"

    How many B's can you find among the birdies and bugs of this picture? Help your child review her ABC's as she colors this picture.

  • Letter Cards

    Building a reader is hard work! Use these printable letter cards to help your child build phonological awareness.