First Grade Math Geometry Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • 3D Shapes

    This shape recognition worksheet is jam-packed with activities. Can your kid trace, color, and identify these three-dimensional shapes?

  • 2D and 3D Shapes

    Boost your child's understanding of geometry dimensions with this worksheet that challenges her to match 2D and 3D Shapes.

  • Fractions Quiz

    Quiz your first grader on her knowledge of fractions. She'll review simple fractions, including halves, thirds and fourths.

  • Label the Continents

    Does your little one know the different continents? Help her cut and paste the continent names onto this colorful world map.

  • Identify Shapes

    Sort out your shapes with this fill-in-the-bubble style quiz, perfect for standardized testing prep.

  • ABC Pattern

    Help your child learn about ABC patterns, and then create his own. This shape pattern worksheet is a great way to exercise early math skills.

  • Coloring Shapes: The Fraction 1/2

    Help your child get a handle on the fraction one-half with this printable math worksheet.

  • Shape Patterns

    Looking for a worksheet to help your child with patterns? This printable worksheet will give him practice with his math skills.

  • 3D Shapes in Real Life

    To get a better handle on 3-D shapes, ask your kid to match them up to real world objects.

  • 3D Geometric Shapes

    Ready to introduce your child to 3-D geometric shapes? This worksheet helps kids find 3-D shapes in the world around them!

  • Identifying Patterns: Aquarium Fun!

    Kids practice identifying and completing patterns in this 1st grade math worksheet. Which sea creature comes next in each line?

  • Fraction Coloring

    Learning fractions doesn't have to be boring! Make it fun with this coloring worksheet.

  • AABB Pattern

    If your child is beginning to work with patterns, this AABB pattern worksheet will help her learn the basics. Help your child identify and create patterns.

  • AB Pattern

    Help your child with their reason and logic skills with this printable worksheet, which is all about creating patterns.

  • Beginning Fractions: Halves & Fourths

    Introduce your first grader to pizza halves and watermelon fourths--also known as fractions--with this simple worksheet.

  • Shape Dimensions

    Review common plane figures such as rectangles, triangles, circles and squares with your child as you hunt for all the shapes you can find in the picture.

  • Shape Challenge: Find the Different Shapes!

    A fun intro to geometry, this first grade math worksheet will help your child practice shape recognition and classification.

  • Coloring Shapes: The Fraction 1/4

    Looking for a worksheet to help you child's math skills in fractions? This printable will give him practice identifying the fraction 1/4.

  • Color Patterns

    Kids create their own patterns by creating color patterns with the pictures in this creative 1st grade math worksheet.

  • Planet Puzzle

    Hunting for a worksheet the will flex your child's puzzle solving skills? This printable is perfect for puzzle solvers, and planet lovers!

  • Coloring Shapes: The Fraction 1/3

    Give your child practice reading and identifying fractions with this printable worksheet, which focuses on the fraction 1/3.

  • 3-Dimensional Shapes

    Learn how to draw 3-dimensional shapes with this simple guide for kids. This is a great way to review the 3D shapes.

  • Super Shapes: Count and Graph

    Introduce kids to key math skills on this shape-filled worksheet. Kids count and color the different shapes, then make a graph to show how many are pictured.

  • Identifying Patterns: Animal Dance Moves

    Kids practice identifying and completing patterns in this 1st grade math worksheet. Which animal comes next in each line?