Fifth Grade Ela Writing Process Worksheets


Below is list of all worksheets available under this concept. Worksheets are organized based on the concept with in the subject.

Click on concept to see list of all available worksheets.

  • Proofreading Practice #3

    Help your beginning writer become an excellent essay-writer with this helpful proofreading practice sheet.

  • Find the Sentence Patterns

    Your students will enjoy reading this messy story and finding the different sentence structures.

  • Opinion Essay: Anchor Paper

    Use this example of a persuasive essay to dissect and identify the parts of this genre.

  • Argument Writing: Match the Evidence

    While playing this fun memory game, students will find a piece of evidence that supports each claim.

  • Sort Out the Scientific Method #3

    Hypothesis, observation, data...with so many terms, learning the scientific method can be tricky. Learn the steps by helping Dr. McSquare sort out his reports.

  • My Personal Expressions: Write a Short Story

    Encourage your child to turn his verbal creativity into a creative writing activity by penning a short story incorporating a few of his trademark expressions.

  • Imagery Using Verbs and Adjectives

    This exercise will provide the opportunity for students to practice revising vague descriptions using more powerful verbs and adjectives.

  • All About Vampires

    Sink your teeth into this fun reading and writing activity, and learn all about vampires! Your child will read some history behind these Halloween villains.

  • What is a Narrative? Kinds of Narratives

    In this activity, students will explore different kinds of narratives.

  • Complete the Story: Dotty and the Necklace

    The first half of Dotty's story is here, but the second half is missing! Can your child come up with her own ending to complete the page?

  • Argument Writing: Counter-Arguments

    With this exercise, students will practice writing counter-arguments and rebuttals.

  • Punctuating Your Letter

    Challenge students to find and edit specific punctuation errors! This letter-editing exercise is good practice for students learning to write both formal letters — like persuasive or business correspondence — and friendly, informal letters.

  • Reading Response Letter Format

    Use this activity to teach students the structure and content of a reading response letter.

  • On Demand Writing: Picture Prompt

    Use this picture prompt to provoke creativity in student writing.

  • Does Santa Exist?

    Does Santa exist? Help your child defend jolly old Saint Nicholas with this persuasive essay exercise, that revolves around the question, "Does Santa exist?"

  • Ibn Battuta

    Students will share Ibn Battuta's adventures with this fun reading comprehension and writing worksheet.

  • Map Your Essay

    This graphic organizer will help your students map out their essay.

  • Hook Your Reader!

    Students will study effective hooks and have the option to craft some hooks for their own writing.

  • What's My Order?

    Assess kids' grasp of sequencing and paragraph structure with this sheet.

  • Transition Word Hunt

    Students will use real nonfiction texts to search for transition words and then consider how they are used to connect ideas.

  • Finish the Comic Strip

    It's a scene that needs a kid's finishing touch to be complete. Can your child finish the comic strip?

  • Letter Checklist

    There are a lot of parts to a letter. This checklist helps students ensure they have a complete and polished piece of correspondence. It includes the main parts of a letter; conventions; format; and tips for how to choose a closing.

  • Argument Writing: Parts of an Argument

    Introduce your students to the five parts of an effective argument.

  • Cite and Explain Your Evidence #1: Literary Response

    This guided practice reinforces how strong writers make a claim that they can support with strong evidence.