Ontario Elementary Grade 5 The Arts Curriculum

The Grade 5 expectations in the arts curriculum are organized into four strands – Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts.


• body: body awareness, use of body parts, body shapes, locomotor and non-locomotor movements, body bases, symmetry versus asymmetry, geometric versus organic shape, angular versus curved shape
• space: levels, pathways, directions, pattern, positive versus negative space, various group formations, proximity of dancers to one another
• time: tempo, rhythm (e.g., regular, irregular), pause, stillness, with music, without music, duration
• energy: effort, force, quality (e.g., slash, press, shrink, open)
• relationship: meet/part, follow/lead, emotional connections between dancers, groupings


• role/character: adopting a variety of roles; considering both the inner and outer life in developing a character; sustaining familiar and unfamiliar roles; varying position (e.g., full front, quarter, profile, full back)
• relationship: developing and analysing a character in terms of his/her relationships with other characters
• time and place: establishing a clear setting (e.g., using simple objects and props to represent time and place)
• tension: using audio, visual, and/or technological aids and stage effects to heighten suspense and engage the audience
• focus and emphasis: using drama conventions to reveal/communicate key emotions and motivations to the audience and/or to draw audience attention to specific aspects of the drama


• duration: dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note (oral prompt: “tam-ti”); dotted eighth note and sixteenth note (oral prompt: “tim-ka”); rhythms, including those with eighth notes (“ti-ti”) and sixteenth notes (“tika-tika”), in various combinations (e.g., “tika-ti, ti-tika, ti-ti, ta”); metre (oral count, with primary emphasis on “one” and secondary emphasis on “two”: “one-and-a-two-and-a”)
• pitch: key signatures in the music they perform (e.g., D major, G minor), clefs used for any instruments they play
• dynamics and other expressive controls: dynamics and articulation encountered in music listened to, sung, and played, and their signs
• timbre: tone colour for particular purposes (e.g., use of trumpets for a fanfare, flutes for depicting birds, various instruments for creating specific moods)
• texture/harmony: part singing (homophonic or polyphonic), chord progressions using I and V
• form: compositions in four or more sections (e.g., AABA, ABAC [alternation between a chorus, A, and improvisations, B and C], rondo [e.g., ABACADA])



Students will develop understanding of all elements of design.
• line: linear and curved hatching and cross-hatching that add a sense of depth to shape and form; gesture drawings; chenile stick sculptures of figures in action; implied lines for movement and depth
• shape and form: symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and forms in font and image; positive and negative shapes that occur in the environment; convex, concave, non-objective shapes
• space: shading and cast shadows that create the illusion of depth; atmospheric perspective; microscopic and telescopic views
• colour: complementary colours, hue, intensity (e.g., dulling, or neutralizing, colour intensity by mixing the colour with a small amount of its complementary hue)
• texture: textures created with a variety of tools, materials, and techniques; patterning
• value: gradations of value to create illusion of depth, shading

Students will develop understanding of all principles of design (that is, contrast, repetition and rhythm, variety, emphasis, proportion, balance, unity and harmony, and movement), but the focus in Grade 5 will be on proportion.
• proportion: the relationship of the size and shape of the parts of a figure to the whole figure; the scale of one object compared to its surroundings, with indications of how close and how large the object is(e.g., figures with childlike proportions that are approximately “five heads high” and adult figures that are approximately “seven or eight heads high”; caricature; use of improbable scale for imaginary
settings and creatures)

This is an excerpt from the original document. Intention is to quickly help you look at the curriculum and find related worksheets. For complete details and to download original document, please visit - http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/grades.html

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